Games vs the Gaming Experience

I’ve been asked in the past why I don’t offer the games in my collection for loan. The obvious reasons of chasing people down for returns; replacing missing/damaged components; and outright theft are tertiary at best. The distinction between games and gaming experiences aligns with the two ways in which players typically interact with games: A collection focuses on the game itself; a gaming event focuses on the gaming experience.

Games and gaming experiences can be seen as interconnected but distinct concepts.

A game refers to the structured set of rules, mechanics, and components that define a particular activity or competition. It typically involves players interacting within a predetermined framework to achieve specific objectives or outcomes. Games have clear goals, win conditions, and often incorporate elements of strategy, decision-making, and skill.

On the other hand, gaming experiences encompass the broader range of emotions, enjoyment, and immersion that players derive from playing games. Gaming experiences can vary greatly depending on factors such as the game’s design, narrative, aesthetics, social interactions, and personal preferences of the players. A gaming experience goes beyond the mechanics and rules of a game to include elements like storytelling, player engagement, moments of excitement, challenge, cooperation, or competition.

While games provide the foundation and structure for interactive play, it is the resulting gaming experiences that can leave a lasting impact on players. A well-crafted game can create memorable and immersive experiences that evoke emotions, build connections between players, and provide a sense of accomplishment or enjoyment.

Ultimately, both games and gaming experiences are integral parts of the overall enjoyment and engagement in the world of tabletop gaming. The design and quality of a game significantly influence the potential for creating meaningful and enjoyable gaming experiences.

With this in mind, I set out to provide quality gaming experiences. The games themselves can come after.

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