A Question of When…

Our last game night did not have stellar attendance. Normally, this wouldn’t bother me too much. However, the stagnation of growth upsets some of the attendees. This troubles me as I’m of the nature to want people to be happy. Also, it defeats the half the group’s mission in general as without attendees we cannot justify improvements to the venue (like food trucks and child care).

To determine the most suitable day, I did a bit of research on the best days to hold the event in question. Here’s what I found:

  • Saturday: Saturday is often a popular choice because it allows for a longer gaming session without the concern of work or school commitments the next day.
  • Sunday: Sunday can be a good option for those who prefer a more relaxed, laid-back gaming experience. It’s a great choice if your group wants to start earlier in the day.
  • Weekdays: Some groups may find that weekdays work well if everyone’s schedules align. This can be especially convenient for those who have flexible work hours or work in shifts.

I surveyed a local group of gamers to figure out what day would work best. The overwhelming response was Saturday as being the best day to hold my events. I shall speak with the venue admins to see if I can make this work for 2024.

The next question is when. I plan on doing a survey to find out when (rather, what time) I should start the events. To this end, I plan to conduct another survey to gather preferences, such as having the event run all day (10 am – 10 pm), a half day in the morning (10 am – 5 pm), or a half day in the evening (5 pm – 10 pm).

However, it’s important to note that regardless of the plan, the approval of the venue’s admin team is crucial. If I have to choose between uncertain attendance and losing the venue, I am willing to prioritize attendance over the venue.

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