Two Events and No Turnout

Recently, I hosted two events. ‘Everyone Plays at the library’ hosted at the Lehigh library here in Florida, and our regular monthly game night. Both received little to no attendance. I have an inkling as to why though. For the library event, another, much more popular gaming event was created for the same day well after I had scheduled mine, but that does not matter (nor is this the fault of the other event’s organizers). The net effect was that my attendance was effectively torpedoed. As for the monthly game night, I have a feeling that the month’s structure has messed with people a bit.

Regardless, The library event, though not well attended, has resulted in some interesting networking. The Lehigh YA librarian is rather interested in revamping his gaming program and the adult events coordinator is starting a dialogue with me that seems to be leaning towards library sponsorship. Too soon to tell. I’ll have to see where this takes me.

As for attendance to my gaming events, I need to be more “grass roots” where it comes to marketing I suppose. Actively inviting people face to face instead of simply creating passive Facebook events. However, Phoenix is not a for profit business nor was it ever meant to be. I’m not sure I want to place a grand effort into getting people to come just so I can play a game or two.

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